Body to Brain Learning Professional Development Series | Integrating Thinking

Body to Brain Learning & INPP Australia Courses:

Body to Brain Learning Courses:

Learning & Movement: An Introductory Course.


"The Body Writes & Tells the Learning Story."  


Join me, Dr Christine Payard (PhD),  in an introductory, online,  short course about neurodevelopment & learning and why this approach is fundamental to understanding how we learn.   

This course provides background details on why we need to pay attention to the body language of learning. It talks about neuromotor immaturity (primitive and postural reflexes), sensory immaturity, and I also introduce the Brainbow® (Our Neurodevelopmental Model of Learning).  It gives you a few hints on what to look for in the body language of learning and what they may mean.

"It's just over an hour, can be accessed immediately and is $19 well spent. It comes with a couple of bonuses too.

(The bonuses are worth well over $50 😊)."

Join in NOW for $19 (AUD)
Tell me a bit more about the Body to Brain Learning® introductory course.

Body to Brain Learning Professional Development Series:

These courses are presented by Dr Christine Payard (PhD), Neurodevelopmental Educator, Director and Founder of the  Body to Brain Learning Professional Development Series and Integrating Thinking.  Body to Brain Learning is the Professional Learning Division of Integrating Thinking.

Some courses are presented in mixed mode (face-to-face and online components), others are fully on-line.  Learn more by clicking on the links below each course description. 

Course offerings can be customised to meet the needs of individual organisations /communities/ school groups.  Contact [email protected] if you would like more information about customised programme delivery.

"Body to Brain Learning @ School"

A course for educators and those who want to know more about using this approach in learning/school situations.

"The body trains the brain and grows the mind preparing it for learning." [Christine Payard (PhD)]

This is a professional learning opportunity for primary, ECE and secondary educators, contextualised for Australian Education, including connections with the Australian Curriculum and meeting requirements for inclusive education in schools.

Participants learn about the importance of the body to brain connections that fashion our learning experiences, when they develop and what immaturity in these foundational learning systems looks and sounds like in their classrooms. 

Participants learn to identify, screen for and then address neuro-motor and sensory immaturity (sometimes referred to as "neurodevelopmental delay") that often underpins student learning challenges and difficulties in school environments.

Implementing this approach in schools has resulted in:

  • increased engagement of learners, 
  • creating readiness for learners,
  • enhancing learning potential by looking at underlying neuro-motor and sensory foundations of learning, and
  • greater professional satisfaction for teachers because their students are more settled.



Teachers will be able to identify underlying reasons for learning challenges and address them using non-invasive daily activities based on principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and neuroplasticity. 

"Body to Brain Learning @ School"  includes a mentoring component to support staff in the implementation of the approach. 

This course is delivered in mixed mode with online and face-to-face components, is aligned to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and can be used for self-reporting CPD.

Course delivery can be customised to meet individual school, school clusters, or education system requirements.

Contact us: [email protected] for more details.

Tell me more about "Body to Brain Learning @ School."

Vision and Learning:  A Masterclass

"Children often can't tell you if they have a vision difficulty, but their body and behaviour will." [Dr Christine Payard (PhD)]

Part of our Masterclass Series: "How the Body Tells the Learning Story," this special Masterclass is back by popular demand.

Vision and learning is not just a matter of seeing clearly; it's about how our eyes work, and how our brain processes what we see to make sense of our learning world.  

This recording of our Masterclass in 2021 provides insight into the importance of understanding the role of vision in learning.  It's 50-minutes with some very thought-provoking questions about vision and learning and can be accessed online immediately.

The body tells us about Vision and HOW students learn. This Masterclass explains that for you.

Minimum fee: $10, or pay what you feel led to pay.

Sign up NOW for immediate access to this Masterclass.

INPP Australia Courses:

The next INPP Practitioner's Course in Australia...

Details are available on the Integrating Thinking _ INPP Practitioner's Training Webpage including enrollment instructions and links. (Use the button below)

Tell me more about becoming an INPP Practitioner (Integrating Thinking site)



Practice Building Products:

 The Brainbow®

 A Neurodevelopmental Model of Learning TM

Need help explaining what you do in your practice? 


Is it challenging explaining your neurodevelopmental approach: what you do and why you do it? Especially, to people who are new to this approach and way of working?

If a picture paints a thousand words, what impact does a hands-on model have in sharing the story of what you do, why you do it and how it can help the learning and function of your clients? 

Turns out, it helps a lot!

AND, that's where the "Brainbow®" our Neurodevelopmental Model of Learning® is useful.

Our Neurodevelopmental Model of Learning®  affectionately called "The Brainbow®" is a hands-on model that shows the importance of neurodevelopmental sequences (especially neuromotor and sensory development), the processes in early brain development, and the role they play in laying the foundations for learning success. 

Our model has helped Neurodevelopmental Practitioners, Teachers,  Early Years Educators, Allied Health Care practitioners, Neurodevelopmental Optometrists and others around the world explain their work to their clients, their families and other practitioners.

It has helped Neurodevelopmentally focussed practitioners build their practice because the model is simple. It's clear and it shows what happens to academic learning if there are gaps in neurodevelopment at key stages of our lives.

There are 2 options for accessing our Brainbow® information to include it in your practice: 

(Note: The online support materials are a bit different in both options, so check them out carefully.)

 NEW Brainbow® Building Option:


Brainbow® Building Kit 

Recieve a complete kit to make your own Brainbow®. All the parts will be mailed to you as well as access to instructions and more detailed information about the parts and labels on the Brainbow®.
Learn more about the Brainbow® Kit option.

This option saves you running around to find the pieces.  Additional online materials include downloadable posters and two videos: one explaining the labelling and elements of the Brainbow®, the other a model demonstration of using the Brianbow in an Educational setting.

Australian and International postage options available. (The Brainbow® is not yet available in other languages, but that is being explored.  Please contact us if you are interested.)

Buy one now

Building & Using The Brainbow®  in Your Practice Online materials. 

Use Our Neurodevelopmental Model of Learning®  and our online resources to build your Brainbow® and  boost understanding of your work in your practice.




Ongoing support, conversations, collaboration, advice and learning opportunities are offered to INPP Licentiates and other practitioners who have worked or trained with Dr Christine Payard (PhD). 

[*INPP Licentiates are members of the INPP International Practitioners Network who commit to ongoing professional learning through the INPP Supervision process.]

Schedule a one-hour chat with Chris

Focus on clinical or business topics in a 60-minute conversation with Christine Payard. 

Sometimes you need a sounding board, someone who knows your work and understands the challenges of practice and practice building. 

Sometimes you may need someone to help you think through and problem solve an unusual situation.

Sometimes you just want to know you're on track and get some pointers to refine your practice.

Two brains and one hour can achieve a lot.

"I love these sessions and the opportunity to work closely with you regarding my practice. It's so useful.  Thanks."

(Sarah, INPP Licentiate)

Schedule a one hour chat.

Create a package of conversations,


Schedule a one day, one-to-one VIP opportunity  with Chris that includes a 1 1/2-hour follow-up session.

Schedule a package of regular one-to-one conversations over 8 months with Christine Payard (INPP Australia Principal and Director of Integrating Thinking and Body to Brain Learning.) 

Focus on clinical or business topics that can help build your neurodevelopmental practice. 

Sometimes you need a regular conversation so that you can be kept accountable, so that there's consistency, growth and regular support over time. And, it's good to chat with someone who has experience in your field. 

Two brains and regular, focused contact can achieve more.

The VIP Session consists of a full day (6 1/2 hours one day) with a subsequent follow-up call at a later date (1 1/2 hours).

Email: [email protected] to personally arrange this package/option.


"Professionally Developing Teachers:  Teachers Developing Professionally."

by Christine Mensinga-Payard


Stories of three primary school teacher's professional development experiences including how they learned and what they learned in their professional development at school.

Three primary school teachers from North Queensland were part of a Narrative Inquiry research project shedding light on the ways teachers learn once they are in the field.  The inquiry was inspired by these questions:  "How do teachers respond to professional development opportunities in their school? What does real professional learning look like in a school setting?  How can we best support ongoing learning for teachers in the field?"  Published in 2010. 

Buy one here
Recommended reading in the "Body to Brain Learning" field of work includes books by Sally Goddard-Blythe.
The work described in these books and the INPP® Method contribute to the theoretical and practical background used in our "Body to Brain Learning" Professional Learning opportunities.

Introductory reading recommendations for parents and professionals include the following books by Sally Goddard-Blythe.: 

  •  The Well Balanced Child
  •  Movement Your Child's First Language
  • Reflexes, Learning and Behaviour
  • Attention Balance and Coordination
  • Raising Happy and Healthy Children
  • The Genius of Natural Childhood